MFFC have been extracted using Spro 5.0 pre-emphase: 0.95 hamming window fft on 1024 points (nearly 23ms) frameshift 10 ms 24 Mel channels 12 MFCC coefficients C1... C12 + Energy E and Delta : DC1 DC2... DC12 DE Acceleration (DeltaDelta) : DDC1 ... DDE CMS (mean normalisation) Variance normalization Total: 154007 samples of 39 dimensions Structure of the mat file = C1 .. C12 E DC1 DC2 .. DC12 DE DDC1 .. DDC12 DDE script # !/bin/csh set SPRO_BIN = ./spro-5.0/sfbcep set OPT = "-F PCM16 -f 44100 -x 1 -d 10 -m -p 12 -e -Z -R -D -A" set FFT_SIZE = 1024 foreach f (`find ${REP} -name \*.raw -print`) foreach WIN_SIZE (1024) ${SPRO_BIN} -v ${OPT} -l ${WIN_SIZE} -b ${FFT_SIZE} $f ${DST}/`basename $f .raw`_${WIN_SIZE}.mfcc end end contact :